Kameron had tomorrow and the next day (September 30 & October 1) open up last minute! Call the shop to grab these prime dates! 231-745-3529

All guide dates currently (As I type) available thru October 15th, our traditional end of Salmon season as the focus shifts to Steelhead and trout after that, are:
- Myself – October 14 & 15
- John K – October 14 & 15
- John R – October 9, 14 & 15
- Kam – Sept. 30, Oct. 1, 8 – 11, 13 – 15

Steelhead dates (October 16th onward) are beginning to fill in nicely now, but all five of us (To include Donnie from 11/01 onward) have great dates still open to book and the motel has openings as well. It’s shaping up to be a great season so give the shop a call to check on or book your day(s) and we look forward to spending quality time on the water with you!

The trout bite has been solid and a few Steelhead are already being caught here and there. I’ve either had a couple on and lost them already or, they could have also been bright Cohos, another species we’re seeing a few of…

The Kings remain strong with new arrivals continuing to come in, plenty of fish staged in pools and active redds throughout the system. I anticipate we will have good fish right into the 15th and beyond as a bye catch for us in our boats per usual…

Traffic remains heavy at times, but anglers seem to be doing a fairly good job of giving one another space and it’s mostly smiles I’m seeing! That being said, let’s continue to treat others as you would have them treat you and extend this memorable season of big fish and big smiles!

Tight lines!