Hey guys,
Not much more to add that hasn’t already been said, but I did promise a full report today so I’ll reiterate! ?

The river is currently in great shape with fish throughout the system in every stage of the run from brand new to finishing up their life cycle.

It looks like we are in for a little wet weather again for a few days, but unless we see the torrential downpours like we did in the last round I don’t anticipate the normal precipitation like we’re seeing at the moment doing much to the system.

Last week was full of fun, laughter and good times all around; I expect that this week will be full of the same with several more days of group trips to kick it off with and some long time regulars on deck.
In other news we are proud to announce the addition of Kameron Zemites to our guide staff! “Kam” has some great Salmon dates as well as Steelhead yet to be had, just contact the shop to check on those.
In addition to the PM Kam’s “Home Waters” include the Grand and Muskegon rivers and he is always willing to fish any of the three.
Kam utilizes ALL methods of fishing from bait (Yes, we are called Baldwin “bait” and Tackle! ?) to flies and everything in between. Be sure to have the shop staff make a note on Kam’s bookings if you wish to fish either the Grand or Muskegon with him and preference of method if you have one.
More later on all of this… In the mean time The shop is still full of inventory, we have openings at the motel and lots of great guide dates are available to book with Myself, John K, John R, Donnie and Kam!! Stop by or give us a call if interested in any of this and we appreciate your business as always!!!
Have fun out there! That’s what it’s all about…