What a week!!! A LOT has happened; and I don’t have time for the full blow by blow details, so here is the “Readers Digest” version. Since I last wrote, the river was fishing well in the lower sections…add a bunch of rain and we now have fish throughout the system. The water level in the lower sections are just peaking and still off colored, the middle sections dropping/clearing and the upper sections are “almost” back to normal. That shot of water brought plenty of fish into the river system!!! The fishing conditions from Friday to Sunday were very challenging in the lower river, but we moved our operation up-stream and found some players in the high water.

The shop is loaded up with gear, gadgets and equipment, so please stop by and get an updated report…or just stock up! Our Guides are all busy (for the next couple weeks), but the Motel still has a few openings if you need lodging while you are in town. Regardless, it is always nice to see friendly faces on the water, around the Shop and by the Motel. Your support is valued and very appreciated!!! Thank You!!!
Fishing pressure is building daily and very high around the weekends, so be respectful and “ask before you cast”. Fishing is fun and let’s keep it that way throughout the busy season. The fish are jumbo’s this year thus, not finding the bottom of my net as much as I would like…but fun while it lasts!
I do not have a lot to say that has not been broadcasted over social media, so enjoy the flow! Here are some pictures of some that didn’t get away!!! Hang on!! Kings are running!!! Steelhead fishing is a month off, so please give us a call for some wild PM steelhead fishing opportunities.

“The universe is full of magical things, patiently waiting for our wits to grow”
-Eden Phillpotts
John Karakashian
Holy monster kings, Batman !
We’ll be there Friday ! Save us a few !