The shop is now open 6am to 6pm seven days a week! We are very busy and love seeing everyone on the river; hanging out at the shop or at the Motel. Fishing pressure was outrageous over the weekend in the lower river…please respect your fellow angler and treat them with the golden rule…”treat others as you would like to be treated!” T’is the season….salmon season that is. The fishing pressure on our naturally reproducing resource is increasing. Please release our wild PM kings…they are our future!!! You can’t catch the next generation; if this year’s fish do not live to spawn!!! Please do not be so short sighted!
We have experienced a couple thick waves of fish swim by us in the lower river this week. It was a fun week of fishing and more fish are on their way. The upper river is starting to slowly fill in (Not full, but getting better). The middle river has been up and down….”hero to zero” if you are in the right spot at the right time. The late night launchers are grabbing the “Hot Spots” and camping on them.
It has been a very busy week, but the memories are priceless (good and bad). The season is upon us and we will keep you posted. Sorry to be so brief, but the candle is burning at both ends right now. Good luck and enjoy yourselves!
Crank-baits, spinners and buck-tail streamers have been my most productive offering. The bait guys are doing okay, but please don’t kill a wild PM hen to catch a fish!!!