New Shop Hours Starting tomorrow morning 9/9/2019. 6am to 6pm daily! Please stop in or give us a call for all your fishing and lodging needs and we’ll look forward to seeing you… 231-745-3529
PM Report is below AK photos…
Hey guys,
I’ve been meaning to sit down and write out a nice long-winded report about my excellent summer in Alaska, but I literally hit the ground running and time is a precious commodity now! (I have been pretty good with Facebook and Instagram since my return if you check the feeds on our home page here or those sites directly!)
Needless to say, the best thing I did was to completely unplug from the real world the entire time I was there, but outside of that it probably goes down as the best summer ever just because of the fantastic staff we had this year and the way we all got along.
Add in some great fishing and some early to mid-season clients I’d love to have again and you just can’t beat it… I was NOT very good about taking pictures either, but below here are some random shots not yet shown and I am very much looking forward to next year already!!

I got back home on the morning of the 2nd, Karen and I’s 30th wedding anniversary. Then basically stayed home to celebrate…

I stayed very busy on Tuesday the 3rd between a doctor’s appointment in Muskegon, unpacking and gearing up for my trips that started the next day. (FYI – I did have a couple of days cancel in October so if you’re interested in fishing with me my available days between now and November are currently October 9, 10, 12 – 15, & 27 -31. There are still plenty of prime Steelhead dates in November as well, just call the shop to book or check on them! 231-745-3529)
Lots of fish running on Wednesday made for a great start to my season here and Ron did me proud putting plenty to hand amongst the many we lost as well…

The run continued to be strong on our two boat half day trip with our buddy Kevin and fam, but in my boat, we lost more than landed in our few short hours and still put some to hand.

Friday was a bit more hectic on the traffic end of things, but a good spot for our two boats with a solid stream of fish moving past us made up for it and we had steady action all day! Clark had the hot hand in my boat, but everybody felt plenty of fish on the end of the line.

My wife had warned me while I was in Alaska that if I wanted two days off in a row anytime before mid October I’d better block both Saturday and Sunday off this weekend so I did and did nothing! “Most” all other weeks I have Saturday blocked so I should be fine from here on out.
Not much more to add really. Sounds like it was pretty busy out there this weekend and until some fish show up in better numbers on other streams I expect it’ll start getting busier on the weekdays as well. Just follow the golden rule of treating others as you would wish to be treated, greet others out having fun with a smile, try to allow some elbow room and all should be just fine! I’m looking forward to a great season and hope you are too…
Tight lines,