Sorry for the long delay in reports. After a very busy June and early July guiding, I took some time off to spend with family and friends. Plus, our annual trip to Alaska just wrapped up (see details below). Things are good here with not much to report. I think it is the calm before the storm. The charter boats out of Ludington are catching some monster Kings (check out Captain Chucks 30+ pound club…new members are coming in daily). I think it going to be a very fun fall chasing kings.
The river is in great shape and trout are still our main focus. Hoppers and attractors on floating lines fished tight to the bank and structure is your best bet. Small nymphs in pocket water or runs will put a bend in the rod if they are not looking up. The after-dark fishing has been inconsistent, yet the hunt is part of the challenge. The huge flood last month rearranged lots of lumber, so you might be surprised the next time you look at your favorite spot. It is bitter sweet to have huge changes in the river, but very exciting to keep learning the river.
I have not heard of any reliable salmon reports, but we will start scouting the lower river next week. There are a few kings in the system, but not enough to successfully target. John Robinson reported spotting several summer run steelhead the other day while trout fishing. Like I said in the opening paragraph, it’s going to be a very fun & interesting fall for sure! Get your guide dates locked in while you can…what is left is going FAST!!!! Currently my open dates are – August 19 – 22, 25 – 27, 29 & 30 September 2, 3 October 7, 14 – 16 after that we will be steelhead fishing. (Early salmon trips will be in the lower river tossing hardware for new arrivals.) Other guides are available….please contact the shop for detail to book and guide and/or Motel rooms – 231-745-3529
Alaska 2019
A big “thank you!” to all our guests that joined us this year and our wonderful hosts, staff & guides at the Naknek River Camp (Jim, Phyllis and James Johnson). It was a great week of fishing, making memories, enjoying beautiful weather and catching up with old friends! This was our 13th year at the Naknek River Camp and each year is always different. The diversity of the region and fisheries makes it interesting for repeat trips.
We had a awesome group of guests in camp this year! Everyone enjoyed the great weather and fishing. It has been amazing to watch the Camp improve, grow and earn respect throughout Alaska. In fact, James Johnson is on the cover of Fish Alaska magazine this month…well done buddy! Their actions and bookings speak for themselves. It is a challenging region to operate a camp, but Jim and Phyllis Johnson always get the job done. Thanks for 13 years of great memories and adventures!!!
We are working out the details for next year’s BBT week (dates and rates), so please stay tuned.
Here are some pictures from this years adventure…

The pictures are just a slice of the experience, but the best I can do in a brief recap of a week in Alaska. It’s the real deal!!!
I gotta run…going trout fishing on a stream just north with a buddy. I will report what I know and what I find next week sometime. Enjoy and respect your fellow anglers.
John Karakashian
I enjoyed your report. It looks like caught a lot and had great weather. Thanks