Hello from the great state of Alaska! No, I haven’t been eaten by a bear or abducted by aliens, but yes, I have been enjoying the heck out of “being unplugged”… As a matter of fact, this is the first time I’ve used the internet since I’ve been here outside of checking messages on WhatsApp from family on occasion. Almost a month and a half now of total liberation from any form of media and it feels great!

My plan is to post this, put a link to it on Facebook and avoid looking at anything else on there or elsewhere until either late August or even early September upon my return so, no worries if you don’t “see” me again until then. I’ll just be up here enjoying the good life.

- The old KingCo is now the Sockeye Saloon and is very nice inside.
So far it’s been both a lot of work and a lot of fun! I did not guide the first couple of weeks, but instead took charge of a few projects along with making sure that other assorted chores involved with setting up the camp for a busy season got done. The past four weeks I’ve been out the usual six days a week however and the fishing has been solid. Rainbows are picking back up again and we are getting limits of fresh sockeye daily.

Tomorrow we send off this past weeks clients and welcome in a full camp of new ones. My buddy Steve from Barski comes the week after that, the BBT week is the next one where I become a client/host for the week along with John and then I have four more BBT folks to host and guide the next week. Im looking forward to those three weeks the most, but I’m sure this next one will be fun as always.

As usual, I haven’t been taking photos as much as I should, but here’s an assortment of some I have taken and I’ll hit you with a bunch more the next time much later on.

That’s it for me for now. Hope everyone is enjoying their summer as much as I am. I’ll see you in September unless you’re coming here first!
Tight lines,
Semper Fi …
Glad you are having a good season, Dick Jensen
Thanks Dick! I hope all is well and looking forward to seeing you this fall!!!