Shop Hours are 8am – 6pm seven days a week. We have guides and lodging available…please call to inquire or book a trip/room – 231-745-3529. Currently, my open Guide dates are : July 10, 11, 14, 15, 16, 18, 22, 23….days/nights available. John Robinson has several prime dates available too.
The wild roller-coaster weather has finally settled down. We are currently experiencing “normal” July weather. The hex hatch is fizzling out on the PM, but there are still a few willing fish when the bugs hit the water. I have put the 2019 hex hatch in the books and I am moving on. It was not the best ever, but we made the best of it…better late then never! We caught some awesome fish, lost a couple heartbreakers, burnt LOTS of midnight oil and had tons of laughs. Thank you all that joined us over the last couple weeks!
The upper & middle sections are about back to normal for the first time in months. Trout fishing has been good. Small streamers, nymphing and attractor dry flies are the program now. Twitch bugs, foam flies, rubber legs and terrestrials durning the day and waking flies after dark. Fly placement is critical for success. Knocking on doors will generate some awesome strikes at this time of year. I enjoy the challenge July brings, because you earn the fish with fly placement and presentation.
I am going to keep this one brief…gotta tie a couple flies before todays trip and get ready. Here are some highlights since my last report.

Please swing bye the shop for your fishing needs…we should have what you need; if not we will get it for you. Your feedback and support is greatly appreciated…THANK YOU!!! Enjoy the summer on the river and good luck out there.
John Karakashian