Shop Hours are 8am – 6pm seven days a week. We have guides and lodging available…please call to inquire or book a trip/room – 231-745-3529. Currently, my open Guide dates are : June 26, 27, 29, 30 July 1 – 3, 7, 8, 10, 11, 14 – 18….days/nights available.
The calendar says June and the banks of the river tell me it’s June, but the thermometer and rain gauge think it is still May. It has been a very wet and cool trout season thus far with more of the same in the extended forecast. The conditions are providing a healthy environment for the trout…they are fat and happy! However, the conditions have been challenging for anglers. We have been chasing our tails a little bit with the fluctuation in water levels and temperature swings, but I would much rather have this type of weather then 90 degrees and low clear water.

On Sunday, the watershed was re-filled with rain water. The 24 hour precipitation map showed we received 1 – 1.5 inches over the main branch and 2 – 3 inches over the headwaters. Needless to say the river is high at the moment, but visibility in the upper river is good. It was dirty Monday, but cleared up nicely yesterday. Our best action yesterday was actually on dry flies!!! It seems to me; the river, the trout, the bugs and the anglers are all on the same page…enough is enough! It has been frustrating, but you have to adjust with the conditions…”this too shall pass”.
Overall, we had a really good week of fishing. Dry fly fishing was very good a couple days, excellent on a couple and tough Sunday & Monday. It is rebounding…have some patience; we have time! Gray Drakes, yellow sallies and stones have been my go to dries, but there are many other options that will draw a fish up to the surface right now. Rubber legged attractors are a good searching pattern right now. Streamer fishing is a great choice with the higher water! Olive, black and yellow produced action the last couple days. The weather does not control the fishing; it dictates how you fish! Adjust to the conditions and enjoy your time on the river!

Over the past week, I have witnessed a few tell-tailed signs of summer…damsels fluttering around and lighting bugs in the evening. The weather/river conditions are just another hurdle that are presenting opportunities. A few hex are hatching on some local lakes, so with any luck we should see some on the river by next week…maybe??? It will happen sooner or later and I will keep you posted. The hatches over the next 4 weeks will generate some magical memories, humble some trout bums and will test some relationships. Are you ready? I AM!!!!
Best of luck and please respect your fellow angler. I will type at you next week…enjoy!!!