Shop Hours are 8am – 6pm seven days a week. We have guides and lodging available…please call to inquire or book a trip/room – 231-745-3529. Currently, my open Guide dates are : May 31, June 1 – 3, 7 – 11, 19, 24, 26 – 30 & Lots of days/nights available in July.

The weather is still a little cooler then normal, but the bugs have been popping!!! Sulphurs and Gray Drakes are the main course. The water is still a bit high and discolored, but the fish are rising. It has been a weird spring, but it feels really good to be back in dry fly mode. The fish are fat and happy…very healthy with all the rain and cool weather. Since the weekend the evening dry fly fishing has been very productive. We are not seeing as many rising fish as normal, but still plenty (I think many fish are full and content at the moment). However, we have boated a couple dandies, missed a couple more and straighten a hook on a monster. There are plenty of opportunities!

We have been streamer fishing in the afternoons and switching to dry flies in the evening. Sulphurs (#16), Gray Drakes (#10), yellow sallies (#12 – #14), BWOs (#18 – #22), Mahoganies (#12 – #14), a few caddis and some Giant Stoneflies at and after dark. The streamer bite remains decent (hot and cold). Our best results have been on Small white patterns, mid-sized yellow, mid-sized olive and tan. Don’t be afraid to switch up colors and sizes.

The after dark fishing has been going pretty well with waking flies. Look for the consistency to improve once the water drops and clears up. The extended forecast looks very good, so give us a call for a full or half day float trip. We have boats available and Motel room also…231-745-3529.

The river is dropping and clearing quickly. The upper river looks great, yet the middle and lower sections are still holding a good stain (not too much that the trout won’t feed on dries during the hatch). Once we get back on track weather wise tossing rubber legged attractor patterns will start producing well…June is a couple days away!!! The hatches over the next 4 – 5 weeks will generate some magical memories, humble some trout bums and will test some relationships. Are you ready? I AM!!!!
Best of luck and please respect your fellow angler.