We are shifting gears from steelhead to trout. It was a great run of steelhead with plenty of fish above average size (I hope this trend continues!!!). Last Saturday “Officially” kicked off Michigan’s trout season and it feels good! Many sections of rivers and creeks are open for business…go explore some new water; I know I will be!!!

There are still some steelhead shattered throughout the system, but our main focus will be trout. Don’t get me wrong we will still carry some steelhead gear in the boat, but tossing streamers and dries will be my program over the next few months. I stuck my first brown of the season on dry fly on Sunday and it felt GOOOOOD! There has been a few hendrickson’s, black stones, BWO’s and even a few caddis. Look for sulhpurs in the next week or ten days and gray drakes not too far off. Things tend to just pop in May once the weather warms up and settles down. Currently, we had a big rain system parked over the region which is added some much needed flow and color to the river. The streamer fishing will be very solid while the water is colored up. Fry/smolt patterns will be productive, but when the water colors & rises try larger patterns for bigger brown’s that are on the hunt!

We have lots of open guide dates throughout May for full or half day float trips. Please contact the shop to book a day or two…231-745-3529. Also, we have new shop hours – 8am – 6pm seven days a week. June guide trips are filling up, so if you want to lock in a date for gray drakes, hexes, mousing…please give us a call ASAP!
I have a couple quick announcements-
Please join us for the PMTU Annual Banquet this Saturday (May 4, 2019) at BBT. 5pm kicks off the event, dinner and drinks are included in your entrance fee, tons of great raffle and auction items…please show your support and enjoy a great social gathering at the same time.
I would also like to thank everyone that helped and supported our Spring River Clean-Up! We made a huge difference and can be proud of our actions. Someone needs to protect this gem of a resource and actions speak louder then words. Thank you!!!! You know who you are and your river Karma will be repaid.

Lastly, I would like to thank all of our spring steelhead customer and guests. Weather you stayed at the Motel, fished with our guides or just walked into the shop this spring…we appreciate you business, support and friendships. We are extremely lucky to have such a loyal following, so THANK YOU!!!! Without you, we would have been out of business a long time ago. Things are tough in the fishing industry and only getting tougher financially, and we are working hard to keep our heads above water. With that being said, the shop is loaded up with trout fishing gear (a HUGE selection of flies) and Motel rooms available for late evenings spent on the river. Please give a call or swing by.
Here are a few pictures from my camera of my last week guiding for steelhead!
The grass is greening up, trout are starting to look up and the crowds have gone home…enjoy the solitude of the season!!! Come experience the Pere Marquette River in it’s element…a blue ribbon trout stream. More to come next week…stay tuned!