BBT’s PM River Cleanup is Saturday, April 20th. Mark your calendar and details to follow… My next available open days are April 17 & 18, but we have other guides available on other days as well!
This report is coming to you from the river once again! Sorry for the big delay on my part as it seems I’m finding very little time to do things while burning the proverbial candle at both ends, but hopefully the reports from John and John have been helpful in meantime.

My apologies to anyone who’s photos I actually took that doesn’t make it here today, but I’m going off what’s on the phone right now to get ‘er done… Of course, a few of you in my “farmers only dot com” club are just going to have to do better next time, but no worries, those fish were HOT!!

There are plenty of fish in the system at this point and we even saw a great push of new arrivals yesterday. We’ve been primarily sticking to the “quality of quantity” program fishing mostly dark pools and runs, but taking a few shots at some of the less pressured spawners along the way with some success there as well; Usually within the first few cast if they are actually interested, after that we try to move on before it becomes more of a mouth hockey to fish that are already breathing heavy game. Of course, the landing ratio does go up that way after a while! (Insert some light-hearted sarcasm here… ;^)

We got a little more precipitation recently and yesterday’s very warm weather seems to have broken some more of, or, what’s left of the frozen swamp lose up in Luther. The water is up about an inch from yesterday mostly coming in out of the Baldwin and has a perfect stain! My clients and I are currently sitting in a deep hole with John R and Leo from the shop in the top end of it with us. They just now bagged their third of five hot new fish and we just lost a big chrome buck! Loving the dark water….

The guys in these photos below are the same ones I have in the boat right now. Our first three fish on yesterday and first one landed were from a redd just below the cottage, but after that we noticed a bunch of new fish pushing upstream and had our best luck in a skinny slot pinch point around some active gravels having a blast with the new arrivals. Most were too hot to handle on the tippett needed for the situation, but a few others were not camera shy.

Im gonna get off here now and get back to guiding as our day is starting off a little slower than yesterday, but it looks as though everyone we’ve passed on our way down to fish the holes has active fish in front of them and there’s smiles all around. I will “try” to be more diligent with the post and pictures from here on out, but no promises!
Tight lines all,