It is always good to give back and protect our beloved resource. Thank you to everyone who joined us last Saturday for the River Clean-Up! You will be repaid by the fish god’s…it is a great investment! It is always disheartening to see what fellow anglers and other river users intentionally leave behind. Please do your part and leave with more then you brought. Our river is a very special place! Thank you!!!

It is November!!!! My favorite month to chase wild Lake Michigan Steelhead! I have been busy finishing up chores around the house, the shop and tying flies for the next 30 days of fishing. Fall Steelheading can be incredibly rewarding and denyingly humbling. These fish will make you look like a knowledgable guide or treat you like it’s your first day. They always keep you on your toes and the thrill of the hunt is incredible. I love the challenge, the attitude of the fish and the lifestyle of steelhead fishing!
I recently had a great discussion with Heather (my wife) about what we would do if we won the “Mega-Millions”…she asked if I would continue guiding??? My response was, “not everyday, but everyday in June and November”…the best month of fishing is upon us. I love my job, my office and my business partners (the fish!!!). Please catch and release our wild steelhead…and I did NOT win the “Mega-Millions”, so I am still employable.
My open guide dates are (subject to change): November 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 11, 19, 20, 26 – 30…first come, first serve! Please contact the shop to reserve a day or two (231)-745-3529. We have guides and Motel rooms available and the shop is loaded up with gear, so please swing by! Let’s go fishing!!! November steelhead fishing is upon, so please don’t wait too long.
Good presentation is the key to success right now. Light fluorocarbon and small natural flies are working the best in the upper river & larger flies in the lower stretches. Good flies at this time of year are clown eggs, pale orange estaz nukes, OC glow bugs and natural nymphs like green caddis, hexes, flash-back pheasant tails and stone’s. Streamer fishing is going to be awesome the next couple weeks (post brown trout spawn and aggressive steelhead)…large natural colors will get the most attention. The swing bite is picking up and will only get better. I had a great day of fishing in the lower river today…the fish are big and mad!!!
Over the next SIX MONTHS, we will be chasing this incredible game fish on our home waters the Pere Marquette River. We have a very unique fishery for a smaller river…lots of lumber, wild steelhead and clear flows…there is an increased challenge here vs. other area rivers, but the reward is much greater. Please give it a shot, we would love to take you again or introduce you to this amazing fish (and lifestyle for that matter!).
Take care and please respect other anglers on the rivers while fishing. Also, PLEASE catch and release our wild steelhead to help keep this amazing fishery strong and healthy. The fish that makes your day will make someone else day…plus maybe someone released the fish prior for you to catch?
Later & Fish-On!