Hey guys, sorry for the Saturday report, but I’ve ben having some internet issues here at the house that now seem to have resolved themselves… The shop is now open from 6am to 6pm seven days a week, please stop in for fishing supplies, guides and/or motel rooms. We truly appreciate your business! Also, the fall river cleanup is scheduled for October 27th, details to follow.

A few pics from the 12th.

Not much to tell on the run side of things that you probably don’t already know. We are still finding plenty of staging fish in the pools and if sight fishing gravel is your thing there are plenty of opportunities on that end as well, but much more so at first and last light on a sunny day…

A few from the 13th.

We’ve been primarily using C&D rigs with larger eggs and assorted nymphs, but Charlie did well on Kings in the dark water with a double smaller eggs/tippet indy rig yesterday while looking for a Steelhead. (Found one, great battle, but lost to the wood in the end…) Gettting some pretty good bites around first light in pools with a little current, but a lot of fish are either flossed or foul hooked if they’re packed in there. Par for the course even if you’re not trying too.

A few from the 14th

I had last Saturday (As well as today.) blocked off and when Sunday never filled in Steve from Barski and I scouted a short section of the mid river. Not packed the way I had hoped it would be except for a few pools that were already occupied, but we hooked our share of fish that took us to the wood in the one good pool we got on. Tomorrow hadn’t booked yet as of yesterday so I blocked it off as well and I’m looking forward to fishing with Steve and Deb for fun instead!

A few of many from the 17th

The water is actually pretty darn low and clear at the moment. I was hoping we’d get a little more rain than we did, but it looks like we may get another shot at it on Tuesday. From the sounds of it there are still a fair number of fish still held up in PM Lake and a few of those are pushing thru the lower river yet, but a big shot of water should give us another big shot of new fish.

A couple from the 18th

Haven’t seen too many conflicts on the water this year, (A good thing, we are all out there to have fun!) but there have been some crowding in situations. As John mentioned in his report, ask before you cast is always a good rule of thumb as well as treating others as you would wish to be treated…. Most everyone seems to be just enjoying the resource however!

A couple from the 20th

A few from yesterday, the 21st

Don’t have much more to tell ya. The season is in full swing and we are having lots of fun out there! My next available date is Wednesday, October 10th and then my schedule opens up quite a bit starting on the 14th with plenty of late Salmon/early Steelhead dates available as well as peak Steelhead dates in November. Just give the shop a call to book a trip if you’d like to spend a day or two on the water with me, I’d love to have ya! (231-745-3529 other guides available as well!)


Tight Lines All,